Faro Beaches

The Ria Formosa lagoon system is the landmark in this stretch of the Algarve. The Faro's beaches are situated in a strip of sand and dunes over about 60 km of this stunning coast.

This area is actually a beautiful Natural Park whose richness enchants visitors all year long. From the Ancão Peninsula, Faro's beaches spread until the Culatra and Barreta islands.

Guide to Algarve Portugal

View of the Faro Beach © Google Earth

Beaches of Faro

Guide to Algarve Portugal
View of the Faro Beach Coastline © Google Earth

Faro Beach

Charming and quiet beach (there are no waves), with boats (fishing and pleasure boats) and water sports adepts.

Barrinha Beach

Beautiful beach in a scenery without no buildings, where one can admire the quiet landscape, the flora and observe the fauna (mainly birds). Dunes move constantly because of winds action. View over the Desert Island (Ilha Deserta).

Ilha Deserta (Barreta) Beach

The Desert Island Beach is a place of great beauty and scenery framed by a dense vegetation after crossing the Ria (Estuary) Formosa channels. To get there, there boats leaving the Cais da Porta do Sol (the Pier of the Sun Gate) in Faro.

Farol Beach

On the Ilha da Culatra island, this quiet beach is near a Lighthouse (Farol). A nice holiday place where there are some vacation houses; the beach is quieter as we move to the east of the coast.

Hangares Beach

Next to the Farol Beach, in the east, is located the Hangares Beach. In this very quiet beach there is a fishmen village. In the past, there was a Navy Base here too. One can get there from Faro (during the Summer) as well as from Olhão all year round.

Culatra Beach

In the Culatra Island, this beach (and old fishing village) is situated to the east of Faro.